Horrendous Hip - Thanks AS
I don't know if other Ankylosing Spondylitis fighters experience worsening symptoms during cold weather, but I certainly do. For several weeks my left hip has been keeping awake at night. I can not lay on my left side due to the pain. Which leads me to try to sleep on my right side all night. Some nights my right hip feels like it may start hurting and I turn to my back. However if I sleep on my back very long, my lower back feels like it ceases up. Plus as an embarrassing side note, I snore horribly if I sleep on my back. At least that's what my husband tells me. Another incentive to not sleep on my back. The other day a friend called, I told her how bad my hip was hurting. She said "oh, so you can't walk with it hurting so bad''. I told her actually I can walk, it's the only thing that helps the pain. She seemed confused. I can't explain it myself. It really doesn't make sense to me either. When the pain gets to a 9.5 on a 10 scale, I can no