
Showing posts from 2020

Using My Ebay Store To Raise AS Awareness

   I've been neglecting to update everyone on my eBay journey. It has become one of the greatest joys of my life. That probably sounds crazy, but I receive so much pleasure running my own store.    If you've followed my blog you know I had to leave my prior job due to my Ankylosing Spondylitis. I was unable to work on a set schedule. With AS you can't make solid plans because some days you are in pain, experience overwhelming fatigue, or have unrelenting stiffness. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough work credits to qualify for Social Security Disability.     I decided to try opening an eBay store in early 2019. This seemed like the perfect job for me, I can work when I'm feeling well enough. I'm thrilled to say it's been over a year since my store, Bamboo Spine Gal, opened and it is going great. I love providing quality new & pre-owned items to consumers. I've had such great interactions with my customers. I'm very proud to say I've earned t...

My Fear of The Future

  As I sit here at 4:35 a.m., I'm thinking of what my future will look like.   My back was hurting so much I couldn't stay in the bed any longer. Sometimes it feels like my spine is about to burst. I don't know if other Ankylosing Spondylitis warriors feel this same sensation. As sleepy as I was, I had to get up and move.    I have noticed my symptoms have been steadily increasing. I attribute some of this to the lack of my biologic medication. My insurance company denied the prior authorization of my injections; until my rheumatologist submits lab work showing proof that the medication is helping. Although I know the medicine was helping to a degree, the lab work shows high inflammatory markers. My last sedimentation rate was in the 70s and my CRP was also elevated.    What do I do now? It's unclear at this point. I've tried and failed on other medications. Is this how the rest of my life will be? Trying medicine after medicine with only slight impro...