
Showing posts from December, 2022

Life Has Changed

 My life completely changed in June. I became a grandmother. Wow, that sounds so old! I’ve decided I will be called “Mimi”. My grandson is the light of my life. I never realized how precious grandchildren would feel. My only concern is my body and ankylosing spondylitis. I have the joyous privilege of babysitting three days a week while my daughter and son-in-law work. As my grandson has grown, he’s now 6 months old and 16.4lbs, my pain has increased. By the time my daughter arrives to pick him up, I’m hurting. This hurts my soul because I want to be that grandma (Mimi) that can do everything with my grandchild. I have never felt so old and broken down as when I have to ask my husband to pick up my grandson because my back and shoulders won’t let me do it. I keep thinking I’ll build up and it won’t hurt. I will not give up! Ankylosing Spondylitis, the thief of my joy 😣