Turkey Thoughts and A Wood Cookstove

  Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to reflect on our many blessings. It is also a time to cherish family gatherings. We celebrated Thanksgiving at our home on Friday. Thursday was not an option due to my oldest son's work schedule. On Saturday we were invited to the home of my daughter's in-laws to eat Thanksgiving dinner with them. We truly enjoyed both days. Each was filled with much laughter and more food than we could possibly eat.

  I was thinking back to my childhood Thanksgivings. My mother cooked on a wood cookstove during my early childhood years. I can not imagine cooking a turkey that way. I remember mom would have to keep an eye on the wood, not putting in too much, but enough to keep the oven temperature stable. We had running water from a well. However, we had no hot water heater, so there was always a big canner of water sitting on one end of that stovetop. Mom always knew where the stovetop was the hottest and moved her pots and pans around accordingly. At that time it was just another everyday occurrence to me. I never thought about the skills my mom used to cook us a Thanksgiving meal or any meal for that matter. I remember she'd always make a Sweet Potato Casserole from her own canned sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving. It was my favorite. 

  She grew and canned a lot of our food. Of course, she canned on that old wood cookstove. You don't know how hot a house can get in the summer with a wood cookstove fired up for hours, canning homegrown vegetables, unless you've experienced it. Of course we didn't have air condition, but we would open all the windows and use box fans. My family would end up sitting on our front porch in the evenings  because it was cooler than being inside. It was such a peaceful time.

  My mother will be 82 years old soon. It was wonderful to have another Thanksgiving together. It was eye opening to look back on prior Thanksgivings and realize all my mom did for us. My mom is one of the hardest working woman I know. She has sacrificed all her life for her family's benefit. Probability stands that I may never face the hardships my mother faced. I admit I live a life of convenience. Push a temperature button on my stove, set a timer to check the turkey, and in a couple hours take it out of my oven. If the house gets too hot from all my cooking, the air conditioner will cool it off in no time. 

  Tomorrow I plan to give my mom a big hug. I hope we have many, many more Thanksgivings together. I hope each of you enjoyed Thanksgiving with your families. You are a big part of what I am thankful for this year. I needed a place to vent. You, my friends are the people I look forward to sharing my crazy life fighting Ankylosing Spondylitis with. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  Hugs my AS warriors!



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